WoodmenLife Chapters Donate More Than $300,000 to Help in Local COVID-19 Relief
Nearly 800 WoodmenLife chapters answered the call to assist local organizations with their COVID-19 relief efforts last month. These chapters donated a total of $316,583.70 as part of a nationwide campaign to support community organizations like food pantries, homeless shelters and nursing homes as they work to provide assistance to those affected by the pandemic.
WoodmenLife members share a commitment to family, community and country, and typically host events and activities to support their communities. However, COVID-19 presented a challenge in holding those in-person events. By providing a donation, WoodmenLife is continuing its mission of helping in members’ hometowns.
For this campaign, each chapter received $300 from the Home Office as a base donation. They could choose to add to that allocation from previous fundraising, and many chapters increased their donation amounts to go above and beyond the funds they received.
“Our members saw another opportunity to help their communities and embraced it,” said WoodmenLife President & CEO, Patrick L. Dees. “We continue to be inspired by their generosity during these times.”
About WoodmenLife
WoodmenLife was founded in 1890 as a not-for-profit. The organization gives back to its members across the country, who join together in a shared commitment to family, community and country. With a legacy of financial stability, WoodmenLife offers quality life insurance and retirement products. A person becomes a member when they purchase a WoodmenLife product. Members may have access to many extras they can use now. To learn more about the organization, visit newsroom.woodmenlife.org.
Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society Home Office: Omaha, NE