Peregrine Pair Spotted Atop the WoodmenLife Tower
After a tough winter, a peregrine falcon pair has been spotted atop the WoodmenLife Tower for the first time this falcon season. It’s likely this couple is the same as last year. In 2020, Mintaka, a well-known male falcon around the WoodmenLife Tower, and his female companion, Chayton, produced four eyasses (baby falcons).
The WoodmenLife Tower has two nest boxes for the falcons to choose from — one on the east side of the building and one on the north, where the pair resided last year. It’s still unclear which nest they will choose.
After the pair chooses their nest to raise their young, Chayton will begin to lay eggs. WoodmenLife typically sees eggs between the last week of March and the first week in April. Three to four seems to be that magic number of hatchlings.
Keep an eye on our 24/7 falcon cam to see what the pair is up to as they prepare to raise their hatchlings.