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Egg Hunt Atop The WoodmenLife Tower

While the kiddos prepare to search for treats left behind by a certain bunny, we have our eyes trained on the tower’s falcon boxes.

Mintaka, our male bird, has been king of the roost since 2012. Chayton, our female, joined him just last year. Will Chayton lay eggs? Fortunately we have already seen two birds in the nests at various times this year. This leads us to believe that we will have eggs, but how many? Last year, she laid three,

Generally, WoodmenLife’s falcons have laid eggs during March. Chayton’s egg-laying came in April last year, but that was understandable because her relationship with Mintaka got a late start. If Chayton follows the April schedule, we should see eyasses (baby falcons) by the end of May. We should see them grow large enough to be banded in June. Then, we get to name them! From there, we will spend the summer watching them grow up and leave the nest.

Keep your eye on the birdies at
