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Pick a Nest – Any Nest

This morning finds the Zeus and Hera on the East ledge of the Woodmen Tower trying to keep warm. Last night the temperature dipped to -7°F and today's high temperature is expected to be 5°F.

Both falcons have started to hang around the nest more as they begin their annual shell game of picking a nest lay their clutch of eggs. The Woodmen Tower has nest boxes on both the North and East sides of the 28th floor. In 2009, the peregrines used the East nest. Last year, they selected the North nest at the last minute. So, history says they should be back in the East nest for 2011.

Peregrine falcons prefer to nest on cliffs which makes the tall buildings of cities perfect for nesting. A nest site, called an eyrie, consists of a shallow scrape that holds from 2 to 6 eggs.

So, which nest will it be this year? Only Zeus and Hera know.
