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More Snow, More Peregrine Falcon Facts

Here are more peregrine falcon facts for you to digest on yet another snowy day.

  • A peregrine falcon's diet consists of medium-sized birds, like pigeons and starlings, that are abundant in cities. Occasionally, they will also eat small mammels, reptiles or insects. They usually dive and catch their prey in mid-air.
  • There are 2,000 to 3,000 breeding pairs in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
  • The peregrine is found on every continent except Antarctica. It can survive in a wide variety of habitats including cities, deserts, the tropics and the tundra. Some migrate long distances from winter homes to their summer nesting areas. Others, like Zeus and Hera, stay in their nesting area year round.
  • Peregrine Falcons have adapted to living in many cities and make use of tall buildings that provide suitable ledges for nesting.
  • Peregrines have few natural predators.