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Mintaka Still Rules the WoodmenLife Tower Nest

Confirming the identity of the male falcon this year has been difficult, but a close up shows that his auxiliary marker is the correct color and we can see a clear “H” and what looks to be a “7” (57/H). His USGS band clearly shows “302” (1687-30259). Joel Jorgensen, Nongame Bird Program Manager at Nebraska Game and Parks Commission said that the photo looks like rather compelling evidence this is the same male falcon, Mintaka, present at the WoodmenLife Tower since 2012.

Interesting Fact: Mintaka was originally banded at the State Capital as female. Joel Jorgensen, Nongame Bird Program Manager at Nebraska Game and Parks Commission said that on some young peregrine falcons it is difficult to know (by their feet size) whether they are indeed a male or female. In the case that there is uncertainty, they err by using the female band size. If they were to err in the other direction, the band could be too tight and constrict the leg and foot, which is why they always go with female when uncertain.
