Communities Across America Improved Through WoodmenLife’s Giving Together Program
Communities across the country benefited from 500 projects organized through WoodmenLife’s Giving Together program. This year’s program amassed 14,620 volunteer hours and a total investment of $241,594. The Omaha, Nebraska-based life insurance provider’s annual initiative gives its Sales Representatives the financial and organizational support to mobilize volunteers and make a positive impact in their local communities through service projects.
Volunteer efforts spanned the nation and included activities from community clean-ups and beautification to painting and gardening. Each project was sponsored by a WoodmenLife Sales Representative, fostering collaboration among local community members to enhance their living spaces.
The program has experienced continuous growth since its inception in 2019. This year was no different, with a notable increase of 32% in the number of projects completed compared to 2022. Robby Molony, WoodmenLife’s Vice President of Community Outreach, expressed his satisfaction with this year’s results.
“The Giving Together program truly exemplifies WoodmenLife’s commitment to family, community, and country by directly impacting local communities across America,” Molony said. “We are so pleased to see the number of completed projects rise each year, and we look forward to continuing this growth and success in 2024.”
Throughout the program’s four-year tenure, WoodmenLife Sales Representatives have conducted 1,222 projects, accumulating a combined 42,986 hours of volunteer work. Thanks to these efforts, a total of $582,689 has been given back in communities across the U.S.
To learn more about getting involved with future Giving Together projects in your area, please reach out to a local WoodmenLife Representative in your local community by visiting WoodmenLife.org/find/rep.