WoodmenLife Tower to Light White for Rosh Hashanah
Omaha, Nebr. – Tonight the WoodmenLife Tower will be white for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It began last night and will end tomorrow night.
According to History.com, this is a contemplative holiday, where individuals often look back and forward, and are asked to be their fullest selves, the true person they are to be. There are many things associated with the holiday, such as families gathering and celebrating with festive meals (including apples and honey, and challah bread) and the ram’s horn trumpet.
WoodmenLife will share this on social media with the hashtags #RoshHashanah and #LightWoodmenLifeTower.
To see a schedule of upcoming tower lightings or to request one, visit the WoodmenLife Tower Lighting Partnership website.
WoodmenLife was founded in 1890 as a not-for-profit. The organization gives back to its members across the country, who join together in a shared commitment to family, community and country. With a legacy of financial stability, WoodmenLife offers quality life insurance and retirement products. A person becomes a member when they purchase a WoodmenLife product. Members have access to many extras they can use now. To learn more about the organization, visit newsroom.WoodmenLife.org.