WoodmenLife Tower is Lighting Red, White and Blue for Election Day
Omaha, Nebr. – Tonight the WoodmenLife Tower will be red, white and blue to mark Election Day.
Let’s review a few quick facts about this extremely patriotic holiday, brought to us by ConstitutionCenter.org:
- Election Day wasn’t a fixed day until 1845, when Congress stepped in to say it should be the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
- Weather and farming helped dictate when elections were held.
- The first lever election voting machine was patented in 1889 but took decades to be widely used. It was phased out by 2010 in the U.S.
If you’d like to know more, head to the Constitution Center website.
WoodmenLife will share this on social media with the hashtags #ElectionDay and #LightWoodmenLifeTower.
To see a schedule of upcoming tower lightings or to request one, visit the WoodmenLife Tower Lighting Partnership website. You can download a photo of the tower lit in red, white and blue at right.
About WoodmenLife
WoodmenLife was founded in 1890 as a not-for-profit. The organization gives back to its members across the country, who join together in a shared commitment to family, community and country. With a legacy of financial stability, WoodmenLife offers quality life insurance and retirement products. A person becomes a member when they purchase a WoodmenLife product. Members have access to many extras they can use now. To learn more about the organization, visit newsroom.WoodmenLife.org.
Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society Home Office: Omaha, NE